2009年4月17日 星期五





他們說到.....孩子都不會跟爸媽說他們心中在想什麼....如果我們不說....爸媽是不會知道的!!! 我想一想覺得對喔....他們覺得我們不雖要他們啦....就前幾天.....我爸媽就問我很多問題.....可是我就是不答....難怪他們會這麼不安啦.....

可是話說回來....有時候真的很難跟他們說那麼多....因為有時候他們真的很不能明白我們....越是說不可以....我們越是要做....(聽下來好像在講我一個表弟哦....) 但有時候, 當兩方面可以輕鬆談談的話就讓雙方都說一說呀.....但千萬不要不讓任何一方講完他的想法.....你不去聽人家的話, 人家怎樣去聽你的呢??~~

A couple of days ago....i was watching this TV show....and it talked about the worries of a middle aged man.....

it say that when a man reach that age, there are sooo many things they worry about....they worry that they will lose their job, they will be unsuccessful, they will lose their position in their family, and they will lose their life.....sometimes i think they just think too much...but then who doesn't worry about those things.....it's just because of their age, they worry MORE!!!!

but when they were talking about how they worry they will lose their position in their family, they talked about how the kids won't talk to the parents anymore....and that it sort of attracts my attention....

they say something about parents will never know what we think about unless we tell them....if we don't say it...they'll never ever know what in our mind....they want to know what's going on with our lives...and they feel that if we don't talk to them, we don't need them anymore.....it's just like a couple of days ago when my parents keep asking me these questions....and i sorta refuse to answer them....no wonder they are so worried.....

but then again....sometimes it's just hard to talk to them....sometimes they just don't understand how we feel....the more you say no to something....the more we want to do it....(sound like a cousin of mine....*cough*) but when both side can sit down casually and talk about it, then speak your mind!!! but don't ever stop someone from saying their mind....because if you are not willing to accept someone else's opinions, how do you expect someone else to accept yours right??

1 則留言:

  1. Your blog can be summarized by this song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acbkMGEjzrE
