2009年3月29日 星期日


近年來常常會聽到有人會說"港女"這個問題....如果不知道的話可以上YAHOO or GOOGLE 找一下.....應該不會很難找.....今天晚上, 我跟一班朋友, 有男有女的, 在談這一個問題.....一講就講了三個小時....




Recently, there are many people disscusing about the term "Hong Kong Girl" (direct translation from chinese....notice the quote)....if you don't know what that means, you could probably do a search on YAHOO or GOOGLE....and maybe you'll be able to find something about that....(although i doubt you'll be able to find what i'm talking about if you search for it typing english....if you couldn't find anything online....but you REALLY want to know what kinda girl i'm talking about....let me know....i'll talk to you privately.....)

tonight, i went out with some friends, guys and girls, and we discussed about this topic for 3 whole hours.....and the result is REALLY interesting.....

i am not going to go in detail of what "Hong Kong Girl" means....coz that would be WAY too long to talk about...but i think the problem comes from using "Hong Kong Girl" to represent that type of girl.....which honestly i think is unfair for regular Hong Kong girls....but i have to admit....there ARE some girl that deserve to be called "Hong Kong Girl" as well.....

to me, the biggest critria to determine if you are a "Hong Kong Girl" or not, is that if you (as a girl) find that if those "habits" of "Hong Kong Girl" fits you.....if you see that they are ON you....and yet you don't find them as a problem, then you are a "Hong Kong Girl".....if we could find another term to replace "Hong Kong Girl", i think the war of the sexes will be a lot less firey.....of course....the same goes for the term "Hong Kong Guy".....

this is just my opinion....if you have something you would like to share, feel free to leave a message here...and we can disscuss this peacefully....please refrain from burning people here!!~~

4 則留言:

  1. so what is a Hong Kong girl exactly? You need to talk to me privately I think!
    Am I becoming a Hong Kong girl? hahahhaha


  2. I think "gong lui" isn't something new. "Some" girls are gold diggers that want this this and that and are super illogical.

    It's not just limited to HK girls.

  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCKHWdEc10w

    Video on it.

  4. no...."gong lui" is not something new...and it's doesn't only mean gold diggers....it's so much more than that.....

    and ms. li....i don't think you'll ever become a "gong lui"....you are a "gau mui"~~
