2009年3月19日 星期四



有一個良好的計劃是一件好事...計劃使人有目標, 會努力....有計劃可以令很多事容易做到....但最大的變數....還是命運吧!!~~

有人叫命運做天意, 做緣份...我是基督教...我信的是我神的指意!!~


最近, 有個朋友msn個status寫着"今天我不能死...因為明天會更好".....看完這句....我有點感動....希望大家有同感啦!!~~

Weather's always changing these couple of days....sometimes raining....sometimes snowing...sometimes hot....sometimes cold....it's hard to predict if it is good or bad weather next...it sorta like life as well....there's lots of changes as well....it is hard to predict what's going to happen for you next....

it still good to have plan...coz plans give you a goal....it motivates you to work hard.....but at the end of the day, it still rely heavily on fate.

There's lots of different meaning for fate.....destiny, karma, chi....whatever.....As a Christian myself, i call it the will of God....

if it going to be your....IT'S going to be yours....if it's not yours....there's no way you can get it....don't be so stubborn about so many things....otherwise you'll go crazy!!~~

Recently, i have a friend's MSN's status saids "I can't die today...coz tomorrow will be better"....i'm very touch by this short and simple phase...and i hope you will feel the same!!~~

1 則留言:

  1. "No fate but what we make." Sarah Connor from Terminator 2. :P
