2009年3月4日 星期三



我們由我想番香港....講到佢想番香港.....再講到在溫哥華幾難搵女朋友.....去到講係香港只要個男仔肯開聲o的女仔就OK(只不過我覺得唔係真係咁易...) 林林種種....全在短短的一個小時內....



這就是我所信的.....係你嘅,一定係你嘅.....唔係你嘅, 點都唔係你嘅.......擔心咁多做咩呢??~~如果

It was great to talk to a friend that you haven't talk to for a while...and regretablly...we didn't have a lot of time to talk today...but it was nice....coz we shared a lot of things in our mind~

from me going back to HK...to him going back to HK....to how it is almost impossible to get a girl in Vancouver.....to how "a guy just have to say it" to get a girl in HK (although i beg to differ).....from the sky to ground...we talked about everything.....in merely one hour!!

sometimes, great things doesn't need to be in length...i wish i could spend more time with this friend coz he seems trouble and depress...but i know he will get over it....coz he got over stuff WAY tougher!!~I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!

However, I would still like to check up on this friend every once in a while....so that he knows that he is not alone in the journey that's call life.....we are never alone.....God will always be there with us!!~

That's my believe. If it happens, it happens...if it doesn't, then it's never meant to happen....no use worrying about it all the time. If you really want something....try harder...if it happen it will happen...

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