2009年3月2日 星期一


因為早上晚了起身所以差點遲到....番到學校立即泊到老遠....驚死無位咁....點之今日BCIT Professional Day....Parking lot 空空的....一路行番自己個Building到一路覺得怪怪的..... 下午時份居然落走雪來...今次大鑊啦....落咁大雪實要行好耐先番到架車度....點之落得個一會兒就停了....虛驚一場.....哈哈~~ 晚上就同屋企人一起去食皇帝蟹.....以下送上幾張相....超級大隻呢!!!!~

Because I woke up late this morning, I was almost late for school....when I got to the parking lot...immediately i go for the furtherest parking thinking that there will not be any parking....however, little did i know that today was BCIT Professional Day....most of the parking lots are empty.....feel so stupid the whole way walking all the way to my building..... In the afternoon, it started to snow in Burnaby...i was like OMG....it's going to take me forever to walk all the way back to my car on the other side of the campus ><: luckily....it only snow for a bit...and everything was clear by the time i'm off!!~~ Anyway....went to eat Alaska King Crab with family in the evening....posted a few pics.....this crab is SUPER HUGE!!!!~

