2009年3月29日 星期日


近年來常常會聽到有人會說"港女"這個問題....如果不知道的話可以上YAHOO or GOOGLE 找一下.....應該不會很難找.....今天晚上, 我跟一班朋友, 有男有女的, 在談這一個問題.....一講就講了三個小時....




Recently, there are many people disscusing about the term "Hong Kong Girl" (direct translation from chinese....notice the quote)....if you don't know what that means, you could probably do a search on YAHOO or GOOGLE....and maybe you'll be able to find something about that....(although i doubt you'll be able to find what i'm talking about if you search for it typing english....if you couldn't find anything online....but you REALLY want to know what kinda girl i'm talking about....let me know....i'll talk to you privately.....)

tonight, i went out with some friends, guys and girls, and we discussed about this topic for 3 whole hours.....and the result is REALLY interesting.....

i am not going to go in detail of what "Hong Kong Girl" means....coz that would be WAY too long to talk about...but i think the problem comes from using "Hong Kong Girl" to represent that type of girl.....which honestly i think is unfair for regular Hong Kong girls....but i have to admit....there ARE some girl that deserve to be called "Hong Kong Girl" as well.....

to me, the biggest critria to determine if you are a "Hong Kong Girl" or not, is that if you (as a girl) find that if those "habits" of "Hong Kong Girl" fits you.....if you see that they are ON you....and yet you don't find them as a problem, then you are a "Hong Kong Girl".....if we could find another term to replace "Hong Kong Girl", i think the war of the sexes will be a lot less firey.....of course....the same goes for the term "Hong Kong Guy".....

this is just my opinion....if you have something you would like to share, feel free to leave a message here...and we can disscuss this peacefully....please refrain from burning people here!!~~

2009年3月19日 星期四



有一個良好的計劃是一件好事...計劃使人有目標, 會努力....有計劃可以令很多事容易做到....但最大的變數....還是命運吧!!~~

有人叫命運做天意, 做緣份...我是基督教...我信的是我神的指意!!~


最近, 有個朋友msn個status寫着"今天我不能死...因為明天會更好".....看完這句....我有點感動....希望大家有同感啦!!~~

Weather's always changing these couple of days....sometimes raining....sometimes snowing...sometimes hot....sometimes cold....it's hard to predict if it is good or bad weather next...it sorta like life as well....there's lots of changes as well....it is hard to predict what's going to happen for you next....

it still good to have plan...coz plans give you a goal....it motivates you to work hard.....but at the end of the day, it still rely heavily on fate.

There's lots of different meaning for fate.....destiny, karma, chi....whatever.....As a Christian myself, i call it the will of God....

if it going to be your....IT'S going to be yours....if it's not yours....there's no way you can get it....don't be so stubborn about so many things....otherwise you'll go crazy!!~~

Recently, i have a friend's MSN's status saids "I can't die today...coz tomorrow will be better"....i'm very touch by this short and simple phase...and i hope you will feel the same!!~~

2009年3月4日 星期三



我們由我想番香港....講到佢想番香港.....再講到在溫哥華幾難搵女朋友.....去到講係香港只要個男仔肯開聲o的女仔就OK(只不過我覺得唔係真係咁易...) 林林種種....全在短短的一個小時內....



這就是我所信的.....係你嘅,一定係你嘅.....唔係你嘅, 點都唔係你嘅.......擔心咁多做咩呢??~~如果

It was great to talk to a friend that you haven't talk to for a while...and regretablly...we didn't have a lot of time to talk today...but it was nice....coz we shared a lot of things in our mind~

from me going back to HK...to him going back to HK....to how it is almost impossible to get a girl in Vancouver.....to how "a guy just have to say it" to get a girl in HK (although i beg to differ).....from the sky to ground...we talked about everything.....in merely one hour!!

sometimes, great things doesn't need to be in length...i wish i could spend more time with this friend coz he seems trouble and depress...but i know he will get over it....coz he got over stuff WAY tougher!!~I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!

However, I would still like to check up on this friend every once in a while....so that he knows that he is not alone in the journey that's call life.....we are never alone.....God will always be there with us!!~

That's my believe. If it happens, it happens...if it doesn't, then it's never meant to happen....no use worrying about it all the time. If you really want something....try harder...if it happen it will happen...

2009年3月2日 星期一


星期六,日完本應該是用來休息的....可是, 剛剛過了的weekend, 就被安排得很忙.....但是很好玩~~

一連兩天的遊玩時間, 的確是很累....但再累都是值得的....因為能和朋友一起放開來玩....實在難得....可一不可再呢!!~~

做人何必太過保守呢??只要對得起天地和自己的良心...除此之外, 就應全心全意去享受人生了!!~~


好了....工作時工作, 遊戲時遊戲...新的一個星期開始了...要努力工作了!!~


因為早上晚了起身所以差點遲到....番到學校立即泊到老遠....驚死無位咁....點之今日BCIT Professional Day....Parking lot 空空的....一路行番自己個Building到一路覺得怪怪的..... 下午時份居然落走雪來...今次大鑊啦....落咁大雪實要行好耐先番到架車度....點之落得個一會兒就停了....虛驚一場.....哈哈~~ 晚上就同屋企人一起去食皇帝蟹.....以下送上幾張相....超級大隻呢!!!!~

Because I woke up late this morning, I was almost late for school....when I got to the parking lot...immediately i go for the furtherest parking thinking that there will not be any parking....however, little did i know that today was BCIT Professional Day....most of the parking lots are empty.....feel so stupid the whole way walking all the way to my building..... In the afternoon, it started to snow in Burnaby...i was like OMG....it's going to take me forever to walk all the way back to my car on the other side of the campus ><: luckily....it only snow for a bit...and everything was clear by the time i'm off!!~~ Anyway....went to eat Alaska King Crab with family in the evening....posted a few pics.....this crab is SUPER HUGE!!!!~

大鑊!! ><:

今日遲o左起身....番BCIT無車位泊了 >.<:



Inspired by my friend Vincent's BLOG....I feel that I should revive my BLOG as he had!!~
Honestly I never have the patience to keep up with this kinda stuff....but i hope that i could keep this going!!~~
Hope that it will be better than my xanga~~